7 Musical Kids Crafts

Published On: August 16, 2016By Tags: , , , ,

We have found 7 Musical Kids Crafts which all musical crafty kids will love. These activities will keep children entertained, starting with making them and then hours of fun playing with them afterwards! Music is very important in the early years as it assists in the development of listening skills, concentration, coordination, cooperation, communication and memory, as well as being a valuable resource for creativity. Information on the benefits of children and music can be found here. These 7 musical kids crafts will encourage creativity, develop musical skills and most importantly be lots of fun.

1. Rattle Drum


Easy to make (with a little help from an adult) and lots of fun to decorate this rattle drum is a fantastic activity to complete. Click here to find the instructions.

2. Musical Rainstick


Craft, science and music this musical rainstick is three activities in one! The directions can be found here.

3. Finger Cymbals


These finger cymbals are made out of everyday recyclable items. Lots of painting and dancing fun here! Click here for the full tutorial.

4. Cardboard Guitar


This is one super cool guitar that all children will love! Take it to the next level by decorating it with paint, stickers and any other decorations you have on hand. Follow this link for the detailed tutorial.

5. Diy Popsicle Stick Harmonica


A quick and simple project to make a fun popsicle stick harmonica. This musical kids craft is perfect when the kids are wanting to craft and you are short on time! Click here for the full tutorial.

6. Bongo Shaker


A bongo drum and shaker in one! This is a fabulous way to upcycle some use tin cans. More details can be found by clicking here.

7. Diy Musical Strummies


A fun and simple activity for young children. All that is needed is a cardboard lid and some rubber bands. You can extend this play buy counting the strings and decorating the boxes. Find out more here.




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