5 Fun Kids Sponge Painting Activities

Published On: June 30, 2017By Tags: , , , , , , , ,

All kids love to paint so these 5 fun kids sponge painting activities will be a hit. Sponge painting is a simple activity to set up and do and a fun alternative to painting with brushes. Sometimes it’s the simple activities that are the most fun!

5 Fun Kids Sponge Painting Activities

1. Sponge Print Butterflies

This fun and easy stamping technique uses paint, sponges and hair elastics to create a butterfly stamper. These butterflies are super quick to make which we love! Follow this link to find out more. 

2. Handled Sponge Paint Stamps

We are not afraid of mess in our house but sometimes it is nice to minimize it if possible. Make some handles from paper roll tubes so the focus is on painting not cleaning hands! Click here to view the full tutorial. 

3. Sponge Painted Apple

This sponge painted apple is a fantastic sponge painting activity for under 5’s. With a little help from an adult, their painted paper plate can be transformed into a big cute apple. Follow this link for the full tutorial. 

4. Sponge Painted Fish

Cut a sponge into a fish shape and create this adorable picture of swimming fish. View the tutorial here. 

5. Scrubbing Sponge Flowers

Create a lovely flower garden painting using scrubbing sponges. A scrubbing sponge flower would be perfect on a homemade card. Find out more by clicking here. 

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