Nature Weaving For Children

Published On: June 25, 2018By Tags: , , , , , ,

Nature weaving for children is a fun and inexpensive activity which will encourage kids to get outdoors. It is super quick and easy to set up and uses materials you most likely already have at home. It can’t get much better right?! Nature weaving is a great way to teach children about different plants and to encourage creativity. This is a great activity for all ages, my youngest was 2 when we first did this activity and she loved exploring outside and collecting the items for me to weave.

Nature Weaving For Children

What you Need:
  • Scraps of cardboard
  • Scissors
  • String or yarn
  • Tape

How to Make a Simple Cardboard Loom

Firstly cut a scrap of cardboard into a rectangle, the size doesn’t matter too much however if it is too large it will become overwhelming and possibly difficult to weave with. We kept ours small enough so a long blade of grass could be weaved the width of the card.

Cut slits along each end, about ½” long and ½” apart.

Wind your string/ yarn around the cardboard through the notches. Tape in place at the beginning and end, or tie although this can be tricky to get the tension right. The string should be tight but make sure the cardboard doesn’t buckle.

The Weaving Begins

Now for the fun part! Go outside and start collecting items to weave. Long blades of grass, flowers, leaves, if it can fit under the yarn then it can be added.

Simply begin weaving your nature findings over and under the yarn, from one side to the other, looping back at each end as is possible. Younger children will need some help with the weaving but let them give it a go, its great for fine motor development.

Love weaving? Then check out our 6 Kids Weaving Craft article.

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  1. […] Nature Weaving For Children […]

  2. […] Nature weaving for children is a fun and inexpensive activity which will encourage kids to get outdoors. It is super quick and easy to set up and it uses materials that you most likely already have at home. […]

  3. […] Learn more: DIY Thought […]

  4. […] 83. Nature Weaving […]

  5. […] Image Source/ Tutorial: Diy Thought […]

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  9. […] weaving using natural materials – here’s an example using a cardboard loom ( and one with a twig frame […]

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  12. […] Study extra: DIY Thought […]

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