bok choy roses

Bok Choy Vegetable Stamp Roses

Published On: June 25, 2020By Tags: , , , , ,

Create an amazing rose pattern artwork by using bok choy vegetable stamps. This is a very simple and fun art activity that suits all ages. There really isn’t much to it, cut the bok choy and stamp but this activity was too much fun not to share!

We stamped ours onto cardstock and turned it into cards. A brown supermarket paper bag was instantly transformed into a gift bag by sticking on a page of bok choy vegetable stamp roses but you could also stamp directly onto a paper bag. They would also make lovely gift tags or just do it as a fun art activity!

Bok Choy Vegetable Stamp Roses

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bok choy vegetable stamp roses

If you ever eat bok choy then using the base where you cut it off is a great way to get some extra use from them. Not only is this a low-cost art activity it is a lot of fun. Kids will be amazed that they can paint such awesome looking flowers all by themselves!

You Will Need

Let’s Make Art

bok choy vegetable stamp roses

Before you start get prepared to make art. It is a good idea to put cover the table either with a art mat or lay down newspaper to protect the surface you are working on. Cut the boy choy so you are left with the base/ end rose looking part. I often save the bok choy ends in the fridge for the next day from preparing dinner the night before.

Put the color of paint you are wanting to use in your paint pallet or container that you are using. Ideally you will use a separate color for each bok choy vegetable stamper. You can use one stamper for multiple colors but the colors will get blended together. This will give a really cool look and is a great way to learn about mixing colors but not ideal if you are not wanting the colors to mix. It is up to you what technique you are wanting to take, a rainbow of blended colors or just one per stamp.

The trick with this art activity is getting just the right amount of paint on the bok choy rose. Too much and the print may smear together and not show but not enough will also not show. It is a good idea to practice a bit first and to also have a spare piece of paper handy so you can do a first stamp if you think you might have too much paint applied.

For young children, it would be fun to set up a large piece of paper and many different colors. Let them go for it and explore the different colors that they make. Your entire family or a group of friends can work together to make art in this way. We have a roll of butcher paper at home that is perfect for stamping as a family. It is an inexpensive way to large scale projects like this one.

Once complete set aside and let dry. Now you use your bok choy vegetable stamp rose artwork to make various other things. Gift cards and tags, wrapping paper from butchers paper or perhaps cut up and use as part of a collage. We would love to see how you have used this art project so please send us a photo if you do do it.

bok choy vegetable stamp roses

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