Turn Adult Shirts Into Kids Clothes 5 Ways

Published On: August 18, 2017By Tags: , , , ,

How many shirts do you have in your closet that you don’t really wear? I’m guessing at least one! Don’t throw them away as they can easily be transformed into kids clothes. Turing adult shirts into kids clothes is very simple as you mostly keep the structure of the original clothing. Whether it’s the hem, buttons or sides of the clothing keeping some of the original drastically reduces the overall sew time. What’s better, you are getting wear out of previously unworn clothes! Read on to see how to turn adult shirts into kids clothes 5 ways.

Turn Adult Shirts Into Kids Clothes 5 Ways

1. XL Shirt Into Dress

LOVE this dress! What was an XL shirt has been transformed into a very stylish girls dress that any girl would love. Click here to see the full tutorial. 

2. Woman’s Shirt To Toddler Dress

For a cute everyday casual toddlers dress, this is the tutorial you need. This tutorial gives a detail explanation on how to easily turn a woman’s shirt into a toddlers dress and includes ribbing around the neck and arm holes.

3. Sweatshirt To T-Shirt

One of the great things about transforming adults tops into kids clothes is not having to hem! This tutorial transforms an everyday sweater into a cute sweater t-shirt for kids.

4. Stretchy Shirt Into Kids Leggings

Turn all of those old stretch t-shirts into kids leggings. These leggings are simple to make and ultra comfy to wear. Follow this link to see the full tutorial. 

5. 10-Minute Skirt

It really doesn’t get much simpler than transforming old shirts into skirts. They only take 10-minutes so you will have plenty of time to whip up a new wardrobe of skirts! Click here to find out more. 

6. Adult T-Shirt To Simple Dress

These t-shirt dresses are very simple to make as minimal sewing is required. It follows the same principles as pillow case dresses. Click here to find out how to make one. 


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  1. […] blog. Don’t stop with just their closet — there are tons of tutorials showing you how you can refashion your old clothes into something that will fit your […]

  2. […] if you have children (or nieces and nephews), you can always turn your old uniform into tiny t-shirts or outfits for them to wear. It would be even cuter if they are planning to follow in your footsteps. Imagine how excited they […]

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