Smashed Pea & Feta Salad

Published On: June 3, 2022By Tags: , , , , ,
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This Smashed Pea & Feta Salad is perfect to go alongside any meal. Great with fish or chicken, potato and rice! Eat it hot or cold which makes it ideal for pot luck dinners. Made with broccoli, cauliflower, peas, and feta it is a quick and simple recipe that is sure to get your taste buds going without overwhelming the other food on your plate.

Smashed Pea & Feta Salad

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Smashed Pea & Feta Salad

Fussy Miss 7 gave this recipe a big thumbs up so it must be great! She likes both broccoli, peas, and feta but cauliflower not so much so combining the cauliflower with the other ingredients was a great way to add some to her diet without any complaints. You can experiment with the quantities of the ingredients. Skip the cauliflower and double the broccoli or try adding a small quantity of butter or your favorite oil for extra flavor. Perhaps you have a favorite ingredient (or a surplus from the vegetable garden) that you could add-in. Grated carrot or finely chopped spinach could work well. Make it a meal by stirring through cooked rice or chickpeas. This is such an adaptable salad that you can really make it your own.

For this recipe, we use fresh broccoli and cauliflower and frozen peas, and a big teaspoon of butter. You could try using frozen broccoli and cauliflower however I find that these vegetables frozen can sometimes give a different result compared to fresh. If you are after a vegan side salad try swapping out the feta cheese for a vegan variety and the butter for oil.

Serve this smashed pea & feta salad hot or cold. It works well alongside a variety of different dishes or bulk it up with rice and have it as a light lunch meal.

The Process

To make this recipe it is very simple. Finely chop up the broccoli and cauliflower and boil in a saucepan for approximately 5 minutes along with the frozen peas until it is a bright green color. Remove from heat and drain well using a colander. Add some butter or oil if using and mash until some of the peas are smashed. Add salt and pepper to taste.

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