They Upcycled an Old Table by Putting Thousands Of Pennies On It. The End Result? Absolutely GENIUS!

Published On: May 26, 2016By Tags: , , , , , ,

For most people, pennies are a hassle. They’re almost worthless, so it can be hard to find a use for the hundreds of coins that accumulate between couch cushions, under carpets, and inside drawers. But one creative DIYer found a way to fix up a shabby old table by using pennies. The best part? Even though they needed a whopping 3,500 pennies for his project, the cost for all those coins is a measly $35.

After a bit of restoration work on the table, the DIYer lays out the pennies and then applies a layer of glaze. The end result? A shimmering, coppery, one-of-a-kind piece of furniture.

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