10 Diy Face Masks for Healthy Skin

Published On: June 9, 2016By Tags: , , ,

There is no need to spend lots of money on expensive store bought face masks when you can make your own at home. Many of your everyday foods contain natural healing properties. The key is knowing how these foods are helpful so you can target the right ingredients to your skins needs, after all there isn’t much point in using an acne mask on dry skin which needs moisturizing!  Here is a list of 10 diy face masks for healthy skin, I am certain you will find one perfect for your skin!

1. Strawberry Face Mask


Strawberries are known for there antioxidants and astringent properties so are good at removing dead skin cells as well as preventing the signs of ageing. A win right there! They also help to keep the complexion clear, minimize lines, brighten skin, reduce the occurrence of acne and helps with acne scaring. Follow this link to find four different strawberry masks; one for acne, one for oily skin, a tightening one as well as a delicious one for dry skin.

2. Nourishing Avocado Face Mask


Avocado is a natural moisturizer so is great for your skin, it is also rich in antioxidants so helpful for any fine lines and wrinkles you may have.  The vitamin A in the bananas helps to restore moisture and repair damaged, dull, and dry skin. Olive oil is also ultra moisturizing and has anti ageing properties so its safe to say this is one fantastic mask if your skin feels like it need a moisture boost. Find out more here.

3. Coconut Yogurt Mask


This fabulous looking face mask is super soothing and gives your face such a healthy glow. It feels very light and refreshing and the ingredients help to remove dead cells, moisturise your face and fight off any blemishes to leave you at your most beautiful. Made from spirulina, chlorella, yogurt, honey and lemon your skin is sure to feel amazing after. Deliciously Ella has the recipe.

4. Acne Miracle Mask


This nutmeg, honey, milk mask sounds amazing! Nutmeg is great at fighting blemishes, while the honey helps heal and the milk exfoliates! If you suffer from acne this is the mask for you! Click here to find out how to make this mask.

5. Anti Aging Face Mask


Containing cocoa, avocado, green tea, honey and oatmeal this face mask is an anti ageing facial treat. Click here to find out how simple this mask is to make.

6. Sensitive Skin Cucumber Oat Mask


This face mask is a great option to nourish and hydrate your skin. Cucumbers have long been used for their soothing properties and oats are known for their ability to hydrate. Both cucumbers and oats are gentle enough for sensitive skin. Follow this link to find out more.

7. Lemony Baking Soda Mask for Whiteheads


Baking soda and lemon juice are a powerful acne-fighting combination. They are both great for gentle exfoliation and lemon juice can penetrate buildup and remove impurities, leading to tighter, cleaner skin less prone to breakouts. Livingstrong.com has the recipe for the baking soda and lemon juice mask as well as a scrub to get your skin extra clean.

8. Moisturizing Orange Face Mask


If you are wanting a good all round face mask then you should try this one! Orange juice is packed full of zinc and antioxidants. Oatmeal and dried orange peel are excellent for gently exfoliating the dead skin cells from your face. Honey is naturally antibacterial and also is good for tightening your skin. Yogurt moisturizes, reduces the size of your pores, and even helps with break-outs. This mask from Food + Words is fast to make and can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

9. Oatmeal, Honey, Banana Scrub Mask


A scrub and mask in one! When it is first applied you massage it in which is where the oats start to work their exfoliating charm, after it is left for up to an hour leaving beautiful glowing skin.  The amino acids in the oats help to heal blemishes and repair damaged skin, they also have great moisturising, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Raw honey is very antibacterial so together with the oats they’ll help to relieve tired, inflamed skin and combat any blemishes or spots. The banana adds an array of skin boosting vitamins including vitamins A and E which are important for beautiful skin. Click here to find out more.

10. Diy Anti Acne Mask


This mask had me sold as soon as I saw it contained cinnamon. I have never thought about using it in a face mask but how amazing would this mask smell! Cinnamon reduces inflammation, redness, and works to kill acne by drying out the affected area. Also containing honey and lemon this mask is sure to be a winner. The mask can be kept for up to a week in the fridge and can be use 2-3 times a week. Click here to read more.



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