5 Amazing Pavlova Recipes

Published On: December 23, 2016By Tags: , , , , ,

Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert with a crisp crust and a soft, light inner, which is then usually topped with fruit and whipped cream. The fruit topping options are almost endless, berries, kiwi, passionfruit are all amazing. Many families from New Zealand and Australia enjoy pavlova as a part of their Christmas meal. For our family, it wouldn’t feel much like Christmas without a pav on the table! Here are 5 Amazing Pavlova Recipes, all worthy to try.

1. Summer Berry Pavlova


This is one of the best amazing pavlova recipes! Berries on pavlova are always going to be a winning combination. Click here for Jamie Oliver’s Summer Berry Pavlova. 

2. Chelsea’s Pavlova


This beautiful pavlova is created by the talented Chelsea Winter. Chelsea includes lots of tips to create the perfect pav on her website, including such things as bowl types, egg pointers, and oven advice. Click here to find out more. 

3. Perfect Pavlova


The combination of blueberries, mango, and passionfruit is a mouth watering combination. This recipe makes a small pavlova but it can be doubled if you have a larger group to feed. Click here for the recipe. 

4. Chocolate Pavlova


This chocolate pavlova is a twist on the original pavlova. With Nutella and strawberries, it is certain to taste amazing! Follow this link for the recipe. 

5. Peach And Almond Pavlova


Peach, almond, and a berry coulis is another amazing flavor sensation. Click here to find out more about number 5 of our 5 amazing pavlova recipes. 

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