5 Beautiful Ballet Crafts

Published On: November 25, 2016By Tags: , , , , ,

Today we have found 5 beautiful ballet crafts which will keep all ballerinas happy. I have two ballet loving girls who both also love craft so I am certain they will be excited to see these craft activities! Which of these 5 beautiful ballet crafts will be the favorite in your house?

5 Beautiful Ballet Crafts

1. Pom Pom Ballerina


A ballerina and pom poms, it can’t get much better than that!  Add on some dancing pipe cleaner arms for extra crafting fun. Click here to find out more. 

2. Ballet Slippers


Here is a fabulous craft activity for young children to help with their hand eye coordination. This is a simple craft which can be hung up and admired once the slippers have been completed. Read more here.  

3. Popsicle Stick Ballerinas

These Popsicle stick ballerinas are beautiful yet simple making them an ideal ballet craft. Click here to read the full tutorial. 

4. Ballerina Finger Puppets


So much fun is to be had with these ballerina finger puppets! We made some finger puppets a while back (read about it here) and my girls still play with them now. Find out more about these ballerina finger puppets by clicking here.

5. Hand Print Tutu


Make a tutu from hand prints. Hand print activities are enjoyable to do and this tutu is super adorable. Click here to find out more.

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