5 Easy Yummy Banana Based Ice Creams

Published On: November 18, 2016By Tags: , , , ,

My girls LOVE ice cream! I LOVE ice cream! Really who doesn’t love ice cream? They only problem, of course, is that it isn’t very healthy. These 5 easy yummy banana based ice creams however are filled with ingredients that are good for us. Yay!

It is possible to make ice cream from banana alone. Simply cut banana up into chunks and freeze, once frozen put into a food processor and mix until smooth. These 5 easy yummy banana based ice creams use this as a base and also have other added ingredients for delicious different ice cream flavors. I add a couple of spoons of yogurt to my banana based ice creams to add extra creaminess but that is optional or it could be used in the place of milk which is used in some of these recipes. If you haven’t tried banana based ice creams before get ready to be amazed!

1. Blueberry Ice Cream


Add some blueberries (or any other berries for a twist on this flavor) to banana and you get a super yummy blueberry ice cream. Click here for the recipe. 

2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream


I am off to the shop to buy bananas just for this magical chocolate peanut butter ice cream creation! Find out more by clicking here.

3. Mango Ice Cream


Mango ice cream has to be the perfect flavor on a super hot day. So refreshing and so tasty!  Find the full recipe here.

4. Mint Chunk Ice Cream


It minty and filled with chocolate chunks and also has added greens for hidden health benefits (kids I’m thinking of you), so this ice cream is sure to be a hit! Click here for the recipe.

5. Cherry Garcia Ice Cream


Possibly the only thing better than ice cream is cherries so this ice cream really couldn’t get any better! Add some chocolate and it is really a winner! Follow this link to find out more.



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