5 Eyeliner Tutorials

Published On: August 11, 2016By Tags: , ,

Today we have found 5 eyeliner tutorials which will give you all of the tips and direction you need to create the perfect eyeliner look. One thing I struggle with when doing my makeup is applying eyeliner. It really is something that can be so easy to get wrong. Often I just apply a pencil eyeliner and then blend it into my eyeshadow as that seems to be the most foolproof way to apply it without it being a disaster.  Now after watching these tutorials, I  feel confident that I can achieve all sorts of different eyeliner looks and I hope you will too!

5 Eyeliner Tutorials

1. Winged Eyeliner- Dot Technique

The winged eye is a very popular look and one that can be hard to achieve. I like this tutorial because Elimer McElheron uses a dot technique which is simple for the eyeliner challenged (like me) to follow.

2. Winged Eyeliner/ Cat Eye

If the dot technique is not your thing then Makeup By Alli shows another way to achieve this popular look. This video is definitely worth a watch!

3. Cat Eye  

This is the ultimate cat eye look! Jaclyn Hill shows us how to achieve the cat eye and it isn’t as difficult as it looks. The video looks long but she covers the whole face makeup look and the eyeliner tutorial is at the start!

4. Smokey Eye 

This is the eyeliner look I normally go for as it is fairly simple to do. Lisa Eldridge shows us how to achieve this look. Check out her other tutorials as they are all amazing!

5. Graphic Eyeliner

Here is a sleek eyeliner look perfect for a big night out! Our last of our 5 eyeliner tutorials is a step-by-step photo tutorial. This is an incredible eyeliner look! Click here to read the full tutorial. 



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