5 Mason Jar Oil Lamps

Published On: May 23, 2016By Tags: , , ,

It’s one thing we really love here at diyThought and that is candles and lamps.  Not only do they create a lovely ambiance for your romantic dinner, but they look fantastic, last longer than regular candles, are homemade, and some will make your home smell absolutely delicious. We just want to set these up all around the house!  If you’re planning on giving them away as gifts you could add a second jar full of the oil so that the lucky recipient can simply top up the first jar to keep the candle burning.

1. Create beautiful jars on a budget


On a budget? Well instrucatbles has the lamp tutorial for you. Click here to find out how

2. diy Citronella Mason Jar


Want a candle with something else. This citronella misquote stopper is the one for you. Click here to learn how

3. Beautiful Mason Jar Center Prices


These Mason Jars are so beautiful and would make a great feature in any house or table setting. Find out how here.

4. Mason Jar Oil Lamp for Indoors or Outdoors


Want a lamp that you can use both indoors and out. Learn how here

5. Beautiful lamps

Let this guide you through the process of creating these beautiful lamps. Find out how here

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