5 Perfect Half-Up Top Knot Tutorials

Published On: September 10, 2018By Tags: , , , , ,

If you have been wanting to master the top knot then these 5 perfect half-up top knot tutorials are for you! The half-up top knot works well on almost all hair lengths, looks great and is a super practical hairstyle. Really there isn’t anything not to love about the half-up top knot!

To make the perfect half-up top knot these are the basic steps:

1) Gather the top section of your hair and pull this section up as high as you want your bun to be.

2) Start to make a bun and tie it using a hair tie.

3) Using your fingers loosen the bun and hair from the tied up section.

4) Secure the bun with bobby pins so it stays in place.

6) Spray a small amount of hairspray.

As you will see not every half-up top knot is the same! We love it simple AND every other way, especially the braided version. Check out 5 of the best half-up top knot tutorials around featured below.

5 Perfect Half-Up Top Knot Tutorials

1. Short Hair Straight or Wavy Half Top Knot

The DIY Playbook steps us through the process of creating this half-up top knot and gives the option of keeping the hair straight or wavy. We love this top-know for a lovely polished look.

2. Long Straight Top Knot Bun

This top-knot half up bun looks ultra sleek! Click here to read the full tutorial. 

3. Knotted Low Half-Up Top Knot

This top-knot style from Treasures And Travels Blog sit slightly lower and doesn’t require a hair tie. This is a great everyday look.

4. Easy Half Braid Top Knot

Up the wow factor by adding in a braid to your half-up top knot hairstyle! It really is that easy to do. Follow this link to read the full tutorial. 

5. Long Curly Messy Half Top Knot

A fantastic tutorial for all of the long curly haired beauties. The Nosh Life Blog shows us how to create a messy half-up top knot the easy way.


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