7 DIY Pallet Planter Ideas for Spring

Need an excuse to DIY in the garden this spring? Try making some of these 7 DIY pallet planter ideas for spring.

We love gardening and seeing all the plants grow is an amazing feeling. But our garden needs a bit of a make over this year as or old planter boxes are a bit tired. So if you are looking for some DIY like we were, here are some pallet planters ideas for your flower, veggie or herb garden.

7 DIY Pallet Planter Ideas For Spring

1. Hanging Garden

Want a Hanging garden? Make use of some chicken wire and a few pieces of pallet wood. It doesn’t even require any woodworking. Check it out here.

2. Indoor Planter Box


A pallet project you can display indoors or out. It’s a great way to add a rustic look to any space. Check out the steps here.

3. Pallet Garden Planters

This is a such a great way to grow your vegetables. Have them lined up neatly with pallets. Click here to get the full tutorial..

4. Stained Planter Box

Pallet Planter Box
Make a pair and instantly give your front porch a makeover. Get the tutorial here.

5. Movable Pallet Herb Garden


You can move this planter anywhere you need.  You can also paint it with chalk paint to easily identify your herbs. Check it out here.

6. The $20 Garden bed

7-DIY-pallet-planter-ideas-for-spring-build-a-20-garden-bedBuild an amazing looking garden bed for just $20! This will give you plenty of space to grow all of the vegetables your family needs. Find out how here.

7. Tropical Pallet Living Wall


Showcase your plants and flowers in a little less than an hour with this amazing wall pallet planter. Check it out here.

Have you made any planter boxes out of pallets? if so we would love you to leave a comment and let us know how you got on.

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