8 Fun Kids Marshmallow Activities

Published On: July 2, 2016By Tags: , , , , ,

If you are looking for something different to do with the kids then give one of these activities a try. These 8 fun kids marshmallow activities will keep the kids happy and entertained for ages. Big bonus being able to eat marshmallows while having fun!

1. Marshmallow Snowman

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Such an easy but fun edible craft which children of all ages will enjoy. This marshmallow snowman is almost too cute to eat! Click here to find the instructions.

2. Marshmallow Art

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Grab some edible markers and get creative drawing mini pictures on marshmallows. The Decorated Cookie did these amazing flower drawings on marshmallow but you can pick any theme you like.

3. Marshmallow Engineering

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I recently did this activity with a group of children on a rainy day, it kept them entertained for a good length of time. What I loved most was how simple it was to put together, definitely one of the fun kids marshmallow activities that will be done again! click here to find out more.

4. Fruity Marshmallow Kebabs

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Get your kids help with making this fun and yummy fruit snack. I love the addition of the sprinkles but they will still be a fun kids marshmallow activity to make without them. click here to find out more.

5. Marshmallow Play-dough

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Great for all the play-dough eating kiddies out there or for an older child who may enjoy watching marshmallows turn into something completely different! Find out how to make this play-dough here.

6. Marshmallow Sensory Play

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Sensory play is and activity that stimulates your young child’s senses: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing; which is important for learning and development. Sensory play can be created by using a wide variety of different thing but this fantastic sensory play idea uses marshmallows and water which is guaranteed to be fun! Head over to Fantastic, Fun and Learning to read about their marshmallow sensory playtime.

7. Toss & Catch Game

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A simple game that will provide lots of fun! Simply have one person toss a marshmallow while the other person tries to catch the marshmallow in a bucket. click here to find out more.

8. Gingerbread Man Marshmallow Pops

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The last of our fun kids marshmallow activities is this cute gingerbread marshmallow man. Older children will love helping to make these fun gingerbread marshmallow pops. Follow this link to find out more.

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