Craft stick unicorn horn

Craft Stick Unicorn Horn

Published On: July 26, 2019By Tags: , , ,

Check out today’s fun craft, a craft stick unicorn horn! Craft/ popsicle sticks are lots of fun to craft with and let’s face it, anything unicorn is pretty cool. One of the most fun parts of creating this craft stick unicorn horn is how creative you can be! Decorate your horn with whatever you have in your craft box. Think, pom poms, stickers, yarn, sticky gems, fluff, and feathers there really is no wrong or right with this awesome craft.

In case you have missed it be sure to check out these other unicorn articles:

Craft Stick Unicorn Horn

Craft stick popsicle stick unicorn horn

You Will Need

If you are needing to restock your crafting supplies then we love the look of this crafting bucket. It is chocka of fun things perfect for decorating your unicorn horn, not to mention craft sticks!

How To Make

how to make a craft stick unicorn horn

Stick your craft sticks together using the glue in a horn point shape.

Trace around the craft sticks onto a piece of paper or cardstock and draw ears at the bottom sides. Cut out and glue onto the back of the craft sticks.

Cut out a triangle from your decorative paper/ foam sheet and place onto of the craft sticks to check the size. When happy glue this on top of the craft sticks.

Decorate the bottom of the horn with stickers, gems, flowers or anything else fun you can find in your craft box.

Craft stick, popsicle stick unicorn horn craft

We hope you have enjoyed this super simple craft stick unicorn horn!

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  1. […] Craft Stick Unicorn Horn […]

  2. […] Image Source/Tutorial: Diythought […]

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