Easy Chocolate Brownie

Easy Chocolate Brownie

Published On: July 31, 2019By Tags: , , ,
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Finding a chocolate brownie recipe that you like can be hard! It may sound silly but getting the blend of cakey versus fudgy and gooey is a challenge. The other problem often faced is how time-consuming and complicated some brownie recipes are. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE baking but I am also often short on time which is why I love this easy chocolate brownie recipe. It is simple, quick to make and (for me) the perfect blend between cakey and gooey.

Easy Chocolate Brownie

Love baking but hate washing up? This recipe can be mixed in one large saucepan, so today we are winning on the washing up front!

First, the butter is melted then the cocoa powder and sugars added and mixed together. Next comes the eggs, and vanilla essence then the dry ingredients are added and stirred in. Finally, the chocolate drops and folded through and sprinkled on top. It is that easy!

Did you notice, no melted chocolate? Some will argue that melted chocolate is a must when making a tasty brownie. I say try this recipe, see if it satisfies your sweet tooth. If so then fantastic you have now found a much simpler brownie recipe! If not you can always go back to your favorite melted chocolate brownie recipe. The result is an ultra chocolaty brownie.

This is not a healthy recipe! Sometimes a treat is needed! If you are after a healthy brownie recipe then check out our Sweet Potato Brownie Bites. Made from sweet potato and sweetened with honey it is a great brownie for anyone on a health kick or wanting to give the kids a treat that seems naughty but is actually pretty great.

A Few Notes On This Chocolate Brownie Recipe

You can add your favorite type of chocolate or even nuts if that is your thing. We used a combination of white and milk chocolate drops but any type of chocolate should work well.

This brownie is the perfect combination of cakey versus gooey and fudgy (says me) but if you like a more fudgy brownie then feel free to leave the baking powder out. Baking powder acts as a raising agent which gives the recipe a slightly cakey texture. If you hate gooey and fudgy brownies and find that this recipe still isn’t cakey enough for you then try upping the baking powder to 1 teaspoon.

Be careful not to over bake your brownies! You know when your brownies are perfectly cooked when they’re firm around the edges but they’re still soft to the touch in the middle. Check on them during while the are in the oven to ensure they don’t overcook. Give the pan a little jiggle as this is the easiest way to tell if they are cooked or not. The mixture needs to be set but not overdone. Leave them for a bit in the tray to cool before removing and cutting. Ovens can vary so it is important to keep an eye on your baking.

Are you a center or edge brownie person? If you love the edge like me then you will be amazed at this Baker’s Edge Nonstick Edge Brownie Pan. Yes, it is a pan that creates brownies with lots of edges!

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