DIY bathroom upgrades

Easy DIY Wins to Improve Your Bathroom

Published On: August 16, 2022By Tags: , ,

The bathroom is a challenging room when it comes to DIY. Many elements require the technical expertise of a plumber or tradesperson, which can make it difficult to make quick and easy changes yourself. But don’t fret! There are certain tasks you can complete in your bathroom to give it a new lease of life without breaking the bank. All you’ll need is a few handy tools and some creative inspiration. Let’s take a look at easy DIY wins to improve your bathroom.

Easy DIY Wins to Improve Your Bathroom

Easy DIY Wins to Improve Your Bathroom

1. Remove and replace sealant

One thing that unites all old and tired bathrooms is dirty, grubby sealant. Not only does it look bad – sealant is vulnerable to mold in the moisture-filled environments of sinks, baths, and showers. You can have an easy win by removing the old sealant with a scraper, before reapplying it to give your bathroom a fresh outline. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference it can make – just make sure the new sealant is installed properly to avoid any issues down the line.

2. Try a new color scheme

Color schemes are more commonly thought about in other areas of the home, such as the living room or bedroom, but adding a splash of color can really bring a bathroom to life. Paint walls, ceilings and trim to give your space more atmosphere – perfect if you like to relax in the bath or shower. Explore this color scheme more through materials in the bathroom such as the shower curtain, bath mat, or blinds.

3. Update your showerhead and taps

An outdated showerhead and old taps can suck the life out of a bathroom. There are amazing options out there, from eccentric designs to eco-friendly models. Investing in a new showerhead and taps doesn’t just make the room look nicer but it can make simple things like showering and washing your hands much more enjoyable.

4. Give everything a deep clean

Bathroom improvements don’t always have to include removing, replacing, and upgrading. Never underestimate the power of a deep clean, particularly in one of the dirtiest rooms in the house. It can brighten your porcelains, reinvigorate your mirrors and make you feel more at ease in your space. It’s probably the cheapest option too!

5. Upgrade your mirror

The mirror is a focal point of many bathrooms, no matter the size. If you’ve got a bit of cash to splash, investing in a new mirror will leave a lasting difference in your bathroom. It interacts with light in the room and can give it the appearance of greater size. Let’s not forget that you can see yourself more clearly in a larger, cleaner mirror which can be useful.

6. Improve the lighting

Bathroom lighting can be bleak at times, which isn’t ideal when many people choose to relax in the bath or shower. Reimagine your lighting to completely change the feel of the space and perhaps give added functionality. Different types of lightbulbs and light sources can be useful for different feels and purposes – so explore which one will suit your needs and wants the best.

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