How To Build A Blog

Published On: May 22, 2019By Tags: ,

Wanting to learn how to build a blog? Building a blog can seem very overwhelming especially if you have little to no knowledge on anything website related! BUT don’t worry, I have been there and want to show you how to get started! I was lucky as I had people who could help and direct me where needed. Today I often get people asking me questions related to blogging so these are some of the basics I have learned along the way.   

If you would like to start your own money making a blog, check out our FREE 7 Day Blogging Course. In this course we walk you through the exact steps to set-up, monetize, and grow your blog. It won’t happen overnight, but you can definitely make living blogging over the next 1-2 years.

how to build a blog

Three years ago I was a complete newbie in the blogging space. I started blogging as it seemed like a great way to earn an income that would work around my life as a mother of two children.

My husband and I decided on two things early on if this was going to be something we pursue.

  1. We were only going to do it if it was fun!
  2. We were going to post consistently and regularly!

So we knuckled down and these are some of the things we learned.

It can be hard work!

The reality is that there are lots of other blogs out there and lots staring every day. Blogging is great as anyone can start a blog. All you need is an internet connection, a laptop and within minutes you can have a blog set up and running. The problem is that anyone can do this so you need to consistently persevere.

If you are trying to build a blog, treat it as a business/brand. Our advice to new bloggers on the scene is to expect it will take at least two to three times more work than you think. Although the hours are flexible you still need to put in the time and effort to be successful.

Read everything and network.

As a mom of two with literally no experience in running a blog learning how to create content (let alone trying to figure out how too make money) was a steep learning curve!

I was fortunate to have a few mentors including my husband who showed me the way and attempted to temper my expectations. They explained that blogging could take several years to become financially successful. I am glad that I had this advice early on as it helped focus us into the blogging routine.

While regularly posting content to the site, I read everything I could, talked to bloggers and, joined groups. I then deep dived into articles on Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram as well as blogging and everything else I could learn this space.

Social Media.

When we first stared diyThought we didn’t even really know what SEO was, let alone how to optimize for it. We knew that Google wasn’t going to be our entry point into the market as it’s likely to take months if not years to rank highly in Google. So we developed a disciplined social media strategy in order to maximize our initial impact while we learned about SEO and slowly built up our google love.

Pinterest, Facebook, MIX (was Stumbleupon) and online communities are our go tos to promote our blog posts. We maintain a half-hearted presence on Twitter and recently launched on Instagram. Pinterest is by far our best performer but this varies from bog to blog and niche to niche.

Keep going, keep trying!

It takes a bit of commitment to be successful. One of the things we did with diyThought early on was establishing a posting schedule and social media schedule. This is something that we have stuck to almost religiously to this day.

We have failed when trying out various thing overtime but this is how we learned. If you want to succeed then you will need to keep trying and pushing through.

Blogging has been one of the most rewarding endeavors I have participated in. If only we had the foresight to start blogging years ago and stuck with it! I also wish I had paid more attention in English, but thankfully we have Grammarly to help.

I would encourage anyone to start a blog but would caution those same people that blogging successfully is a lot of work. We have put together a FREE 7-day starter course to help you get started on your blogging journey. This course teaches you everything you need to know about how to launch a blog that is set up to make money from day one. We have condensed 3 years of learning that went into diyThought so you can eliminate some of the challenges we faced.

Sign up to our free course today and receive an email a day for 7 days detailing how to start, run and monetize your very own blog. I wish you every success in your journey and hope you love it as much as I have.



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