6 Ways To Transform A Sweater Into New Clothing

Published On: February 24, 2017By Tags: , , , , , , ,

Chances are you have old sweaters sitting in the back of your closet that never gets worn.  Well, why not turn your old sweaters into something new to wear? We have found 6 ways to transform a sweater into new clothing so you will not longer be wasting closet space on unworn clothes! We have all sorts of different clothing here to transform your sweaters into from slipper socks to a child’s romper so you are certain to find some inspiration here. Read on to find our 6 way to transform a sweater into new clothing.

1. Sweater Vest

Remove frumpy sleeves from a sweater to give it a completely different look.  This style really suits a thick sweater and one that has a lot of detail (like the one above) which is drastically improved with the block color of the top underneath. Find out how it was done by clicking here. 

2. Childs Romper

This romper is made from an old adult sized sweater and is beyond cute! We think any young child would love this romper. Click here to find out more. 

3. Sweater Slipper Socks

These sweater slipper socks are super easy to make and perfect for winter! This link shows you how to make these cool sweater slipper socks. 

4. Mittens

We have the socks so mittens are a must! These mittens are beautiful and really couldn’t get any simpler to make. Click here to find out more. 

5. Sweater To Cardigan

If you love the sweater but the fit isn’t great then transforming it into a cardigan could be the answer. Follow this link to find out how it’s done.

6. Sweater Dress

This cute sweater dress is made from two sweaters sewn together. This sweater dress is a must for your winter closet. Click here to find out more. 

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