DIY Christmas Eve Box Ideas

Published On: December 21, 2018By Tags: , ,

You have come to the right place if you are looking for some DIY Christmas Eve box ideas! Christmas Eve boxes need not be expensive and are a great way for your family to unwind and spend time together. These are boxes which are filled with all sorts of things to enjoy on Christmas Eve.

I have a confession to make, this year is our first year having a Christmas Eve box! I was at the park with a friend who was telling me all about their Christmas Eve box. She made it sound like SO MUCH Fun! It is a lovely way to have some extra family quality time and to extend the fun that is Christmas.

DIY Christmas Eve Box Ideas

christmas eve box ideas

The Box

Anything goes here! Often people use boxes with lids but this in entirely optional. We used a cardboard Christmas decorated box from our local dollar store but other options include:

  • A personalized Christmas Eve Box with a bit of pyrography. Learn how to do it here.
  • Cover a cardboard box with wrapping paper
  • Wooden crate
  • Reusable bag
  • A large bowl which can be used for popcorn or other snacks
  • A shoe box

In The Box

Again anything goes! If it helps provide an enjoyable Christmas Eve then it can go into the box. Our box is centered around watching a movie and preparing for Santa so it includes snacks, at home movie tickets and reindeer food. You can include:

Santa & Reindeer Food

A carrot for the Reindeer and cookies for Santa. Make your own Reindeer Food by printing this printable and sticking onto a container or bag of rolled oats. PDF Reindeer Food link.

Yummy Snacks

Popcorn, crisps, chocolates, candy canes, hot chocolate powder. Anything yummy that you know your kids will love to snack on!


Include either a boxed DVD or tickets to your at home movie. Print the above printable or handmake your own Admit One movie tickets.


A popular choice is to include some special Christmas pajamas. Buy some from your local shop or make your own with these 8 free pajama patterns for kids & adults. 

Christmas Crackers

We found fun kids activity Christmas Crackers at a local store but you can easily make your own. Print off some fun Christmas printables and put inside a cardboard roll before wrapping in Christmas paper just like a Christmas cracker.

Christmas Book

When the movie has finished (on instead of a movie) snuggle down to read a Christmas book. This can be a new book or choose a favorite Christmas book that you already own or from the library.

Other Christmas Eve Box Ideas

  • Board game
  • Christmas cup/ mug
  • Christmas craft activity
  • Cookie cutters to make Christmas cookies
  • Gingerbread people to decorate
  • Christmas toy
  • Socks

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