Four Fun Flip Books

Published On: July 19, 2016By Tags: , ,

Flip books are fun and good for the imagination. All children will love matching the different bodies to heads, and seeing what crazy creatures they can create. We have found mix-and-match fun flip books templates for different creatures as well as a moving action flip book to make and color. These fun flip books will keep children busy while they create them and occupied for hours after playing with them. Fantastic for car rides and other occasions when you need an enjoyable portable activity. As a child I loved flip book like this one here but making your own is even more fun!

1. Monster Fun Flip Book


Have fun creating different monsters and then mix-and-match them. This link provides a basic blob template as a starting point to your monster creating fun.

2. Flip A Robot Book


This gorgeous mix-and-match robot flip book comes with printable colored robots as well as printable robots to color in. Find out more here.

3. Body Flip Book


First Palette provides a template for a body which can then be made into all sorts of different characters for a flip book. Your imagination can really run wild with this one with so many different possibilities. Will you create clowns, princesses, or maybe a book different occupations.

4. Moving Flip Book


As a child I used to draw images which when put together and flipped through would create a moving scene. This flip book uses the same principle and is perfect for a younger child as all it need is coloring and assembling into a book. click here to find out more.

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