Simple Pink Meringues

Published On: December 16, 2019By Tags: , , ,
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These simple pink meringues are the perfect treat for any party or celebration. Once you have mastered how to make meringues they are quick and easy to make. Meringues look and taste impressive and are made from only 3 ingredients (2 if you don’t include the salt).

Today we have a simple pink meringue recipe to share with you all. Now, of course, you don’t need to color them pink! You can keep them white, turn them blue or even striped with a color. As well as the recipe we have included some basic tips to get you started making your own incredible meringues. With these tips, you are almost guaranteed meringue success!

Simple Pink Meringues

Simple Pink Meringues

I totally get that daunted feeling when it comes to the thought of having to make meringues. That used to be me! Trouble was I would follow recipes that never had any extra tips. Meringues are very easy to make but until you have successfully made them before it can be difficult to know what to do. For example, just saying beat the egg white until stiff really isn’t much help for anyone who has never done such a task before! So for that reason, we have included some tips and tricks to help take you to meringue baking success.

Top Tips For Making Meringues

There are a few basic things you need to know before making your meringues.

  • Always start with clean and dry equipment. This is much more important than with other baking! Grease, water, oil that has been left on bowls and mixers will stop your egg whites from whipping correctly. To be extra sure that these are clean pour boiling water over the equipment and thoroughly dry with a clean towel or paper towel.
  • Make sure NO egg yolk sneaks its way into your egg white. Egg yolk contains fat which will hinder your whipping ability. The same goes for egg shells.
  • Add the sugar very gradually and keep a close watch. The mixture will turn a glossy white when done and when the bowl is tipped to its side the mixture should stay in place.
  • To test the mixture is done rub a little between your fingers, it should feel smooth. If not continue to whisk. It should take around 8 minutes to get to this stage.
  • Don’t beat for too long. If whisked for too long the meringues may collapse.
  • You can add extra bits and pieces, nuts, chocolate for example. To do this gently fold through once the meringue has been whisked to stiff peaks.
  • To color with a stripe simply put some stripes of food coloring in the piping bag. Just make sure you use a brush only used for food!
  • Only use caster/ superfine sugar. Other sugars may result in an undesirable texture.
  • Meringues and moisture/ humidity do not mix. If they soften put them back in the oven to dry out.

By following these tips you will become a meringue master in no time!

Simple Pink Meringues

Just a little note: the recipe says to pipe the meringues onto the prepared tray. To secure the parchment/ baking paper place a small dot of meringue mixture under each corner of the paper. If you don’t have supplies to pipe the mixture then use a spoon to make the individual meringues, they may not look the same but they will taste just as good.

Wondering what to do with your leftover egg yolks?

That is easy, make this super easy no custard powder, Easy Egg Custard!

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