Beginners Guide To Knitting

Published On: May 24, 2017By Tags: , , , , ,

Have you always wanted to be able to knit but are unsure where to start? We have put together a beginner’s guide to knitting with easy-to-follow videos. These videos contain all of the beginner techniques that you need to know to be able to knit.

I love knitting (when it is going right) and I can knit BUT I am definitely a beginner! Although I have knitted a couple of projects I still need to refresh my memory at times and use these videos for my refresher lessons. With this beginner’s guide to knitting, anyone can learn to knit!

Beginner’s Guide To Knitting

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Equipment Needed

One of the great things about knitting is how little equipment you need before starting on your knitting journey. Often we can spend lots of money taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill which is great if it is something you really love but it can act as a barrier to trying new activities.

  • Knitting Needles– In a variety of different sizes. Different projects will require different sizes of needles.
  • Yarn Needle– A yarn needle is similar to a sewing needle but they are blunter and have a hole large enough so you can feed the yarn through without too much trouble.
  • Wool/ Yarn– Keep in mind that projects that use thicker yarn and usually easier and quicker to finish. It is also a good idea to find a project before buying the yarn as patterns will often reccomend a certain type and weight of yarn as well as mention how many skeins of yarn you will need.
  • Scissors– You can use any scissors. As long as they can cut yarn then they will be fine to use for knitting.

Ten Knitting Tips

This is a good video to watch if you are new to knitting. The video isn’t a knitting tutorial but instead, covers things like how to hold your needles, how to add on a new ball of yarn, and tension.

The Basics 

This is a fantastic starting out with knitting video to watch. Chandi, owner of Expression Fiber Arts shows us how to cast on using the long-tail method, do a basic stitch, saving a lost stitch, and binding off. Both left and right-hand knitting is shown which is helpful if you are unsure on what hand to use. She explains everything very clearly and spends some time on each method which is important when you are starting out!

How To Purl Stitch

This excellent video shows you how to do a purl stitch. The video is by Judy Graham, Knitter to the Stars, who has been hand knitting for over 50 years. You can view other videos and tips by Judy Graham on her website by clicking here. 

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