6 Amazing Gifts To Make From Wine Corks

Published On: November 6, 2017By Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Give a unique gift with these 6 amazing gifts to make from wine corks. No need to give a bottle of wine with these gifts but if you do make sure to save the cork!

6 Amazing Gifts To Make From Wine Corks

wine cork projects

1. Wine Cork Coasters

A set of wine cork coasters is the perfect gift for any wine lover. Head over to Just Grand to read the tutorial.

2. Wine Cork Pendant

Impress with a pendant, these beautiful pendants hardly resemble wine corks and can be personalized making them extra special. Follow this link to find the tutorial.  

3. Cork Keychain

These lovely coke keychains are fun to make. Add more beads or different style of beads for a different look. Click here to view the full tutorial. 

4. Wine Cork Birdhouse

Almost any gift that can go outside is a great gift so this birdhouse will be loved! This is a time-consuming project but well worth it.

5. Wine Cork Photo Frame

Using wine corks is a fantastic way to upcycle an old photo frame. A beautiful photograph will always be a popular gift. Find out how to make it here. 

6. Wine Cork Stamps

Any child or crafty person will love a set of mini cork stamps. Easy to make and fun to use. Click here to find out more. 

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