banana and chia pikelets

Banana & Chia Pikelets

Published On: September 1, 2021By Tags: , , , ,
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Pikelets have to be a favorite treat for morning tea, lunch, or afternoon tea and these Banana & Chia Pikelets are our family favorite. We have taken ordinary pikelets and amped them up with the addition of mashed banana and chia seeds to make them a more healthy and even more delicious treat.

Chia seeds are readily available however they can be left out if you don’t happen to have some already in your pantry at home. Not only do chia seeds add a nice texture to the pikelets but they also offer nutritional benefits. Some nutritional benefits of chia seeds include being high in magnesium, zinc, vitamin B3, potassium, vitamin B1 and B2. Chia seeds are also loaded with antioxidants and are high in fiber and protein. Healthline has lots of more interesting information on chia seeds.

Banana & Chia Pikelets

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Banana & Chia Pikelets

One of my fondest childhood memories was of baking pikelets with my grandmother. She always knew how to cook them just right! We ate our pikelets with butter and sometimes jam, however, they were that good that we would happily eat them plain. Fast forward many years and our girls share the same love for pikelets. We often have old spotty bananas sitting around just waiting to be made into banana smoothies, banana bread, or on days that the kids are home these Banana & Chia Pikelets.

We mostly serve these banana pikelets with a slice of banana and golden syrup on top. You can use any topping that you like. Because of the banana and chia seeds, they are super tasty eaten plain but they still work well as a base to all sorts of interesting toppings. Leave us a comment below to let us know how you like to eat your Banana & Chia Pikelets.

The Recipe

In addition to the ingredients below, you will need some butter or oil and a frying pan or griddle/ pancake pan. These pikelets are very simple to make. The dry ingredients and wet ingredients are separately combined before the wet is added to the dry. We like to make small pikelets but you can also drop a larger amount onto your hot frying pan to make super-sized large pikelets.

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Banana & Chia Pikelets

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