Honey Toasted Muesli

Published On: September 6, 2022By Tags: , , ,
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There isn’t much better than waking up to a bowl of Honey Toasted Muesli and a hot drink. This muesli is SO easy to make you will be left wondering why you haven’t made your own sooner. It is much more affordable than store-bought muesli/ granola and has the added benefit that you know exactly what has gone into it. One of the best things about this honey-toasted muesli is how adaptable it is. If you don’t like one of the ingredients listed simply swap it for a larger quantity of one of the other ingredients or substitute it with something else entirely.

Honey Toasted Muesli

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Seriously this honey toasted muesli is amazing! Even our Miss 8 who isn’t normally a muesli fan will eat this over her usual favorite cereals. It is quite sweet and filled with all of our favorite nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Because it is on the sweeter side I eat it with natural yogurt which makes it perfect for me. Our kids on the other hand happily will eat it dry, or with flavored yogurt and fruit.

This recipe is super adaptable. All you need to do is to stick with the sugar, honey, and oil quantities and stay fairly consistent with the quantities of dry ingredients added. You can however mix up the dry ingredients completely! Add more oats and fewer rice bubbles/ pops, swap the cornflakes for wheat germ or have more seeds and fewer nuts or dried fruit. If you only have shredded coconut and not the flaked version just use that instead. I tend to buy packs of mixed nuts, seeds, and dried fruit to give our muesli some variety but you can stick to just raisins or your favorite seed or nut. We love cashews so I added more of them to our latest mix. You really can’t go wrong!

To make this honey toasted muesli you start by melting the honey and sugar in oil before pouring it over all of the dry ingredients. Mix the mixture thoroughly so the honey coating is evenly distributed throughout the muesli. Pour into a large roasting pan or baking sheet pan (I like to line ours so clean-up is easier). Pop in the oven and stir it halfway through the baking time. Make sure your oven isn’t too hot as burnt dried fruit doesn’t taste great! Another option if burnt dried fruit is an issue for you would be to add it in after baking. Once cooled stir it all and break it up into small pieces.

Serve over yogurt or with milk, and add fresh fruit for a delicious breakfast. Leave in larger chunks and eat it dry as a tasty snack.

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