banana bread recipe

Basic Banana Bread Recipe

Published On: February 10, 2020By Tags: , , , ,
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This is one basic banana bread recipe! Yes, that is right, no fancy bits just a loaf of plain banana bread. Perfect if you are wanting to keep it simple! In saying that if you are desperate to jazz it up a bit feel free to experiment and add some chocolate, walnuts or whatever you are in the mood for.

It is quick and very simple to make, made in one bowl and with no electric mixer! Perfect for lunchboxes, afternoon tea or even breakfast. Eaten toasted spread with butter, cream cheese or eaten as is. Just because it is a very simple banana bread doesn’t mean it’s not delicious!

Some believe banana bread came about because of the Great Depression as resourceful housewives did not wish to throw away overripe bananas, others believe the modern banana bread was developed in corporate kitchens to promote flour and baking soda products. Either way, banana bread is the perfect way to use up overripe bananas!

Basic Banana Bread Recipe

basic banana bread

It really doesn’t get much simpler than this recipe. Just one bowl is required and no mixer. Start with the flour and cinnamon and then rub in the butter. Next add the sugar, eggs, and milk and stir until it is just combined. Spoon it into the prepared loaf tin and bake. That is all there is to it!

Our biggest tip with this recipe is to use overripe bananas! Once our bananas get to that overripe stage, if we are not ready to bake them into banana bread they go into the freezer. That way we always have banana bread ready bananas!

You can add any extra tasty bits that you like. Chocolate chips and walnuts being popular choices. Sometimes we add these but mostly we like to keep it basic as it is delicious without the extras.

Lastly, this banana bread can be eaten toasted or untoasted. Spread with butter or cream cheese, add some honey or jam.

basic banana bread

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