Easy Homemade Lemonade

Published On: July 15, 2016By Tags: , , ,

It doesn’t get much better than homemade lemonade. It is so refreshing, perfect for a hot day and lovely over winter when you need a does of vitamin C. My mother taught me how to make this easy homemade lemonade as a child and now my girls help to make it as well. It really can not be any easier or quicker to make and tastes delicious.



  • 1/2 cup sugar
  •  1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice (2-4 lemons)
  • 4 extra cups of water


First you need to make the sugar syrup which is made by adding 1/2 cup of sugar to 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Put this on a low heat and stir occasionally until the sugar has dissolved.


While the sugar is dissolving you can squeeze the lemons. We used 3 lemons but it really depends on the size of the lemons as well as how juicy they are. My four year old helper loved this part.


Now pour the sugar syrup, lemon juice and extra water into a jug, we have this one here.  Now it is ready to drink! I normally dilute this a little further for the kids with another cup of water. This is a tart refreshing drink that you are sure to love.



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