recycled glitter frames

Recycled Box Glitter Frames

Published On: March 25, 2020By Tags: , , ,

To keep the girls busy today we made these recycled box glitter frames. These frames are easy to make and use resources you most likely have at home. Decorate them with whatever you have on hand. No glitter no problem, pens or stickers work well!

Inside of the frames, we drew some special artwork. Miss 5 and Miss 8 then hung their frames inside of their cardboard box houses that they made for their toys. This was one fun activity that kept them occupied all morning.

Recycled Box Glitter Frames

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recycled box glitter frames

You Will Need

There really isn’t much that you need to complete this fun craft activity. Below we have listed what we used but we recommend that you decorate your frames with whatever is already in your craft box.

Let’s Get Creating

glitter frames from a cardboard box

Frame Base

Firstly start by making the frame. Adults you will need to do this part for your kids as it involves using a craft knife.

Think about what size frame you would like. Cut out a rectangle or square to this size. Using your craft knife cut out the center part of the frame. To do this run the craft knife along the side of a ruler. Make sure you have something underneath so you don’t ruin the surface you are working on!


To make our frames we started by using felt pens to color the front of the frames. Stickers were stuck on. We then applied PVA glue and sprinkled on the glitter. They were left to dry while we worked on our drawings.

You can paint your frames, color with pens, stick on pom poms. There is so much choice when it comes to decorating your frame so just let the kids go for it!

Add Your Drawing

To make it easy I folded the paper so the girls had a guideline to draw within. Once the drawings are completed draw around the outside of the frame and cut it out.

To the back of the frame apply glue stick and press the frame onto your image.

The girls drew their own drawings while I practiced my kiwi and koalas. If you would like to see how I drew the kiwi or koala click the link below.

Drawing Guides

Looking for some drawing inspiration? Check out these drawing guides.

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